I sit there and write blog posts for TownGreenDistrict.Com usually; or occasionally fix information on InfoNewHaven.Com's site. Occasionally I Twitter stuff for the City on the InfoNewHaven account. One time the whole office email went down and a website was offline. I fixed most of the problem in less than 24 hours, considering it was a major server error. It was a great way to start the job on week two.
I thrive in environments where I'm challenged. I think that's why I like this job so much. The reason I got this job in the first place, in case you're wondering since I don't have a computer science degree and I taught myself whatever random stuff I know, is because I had a really good photos on my Instagram account, make really good videos, and know how to build websites.
It's the last part that I think gave me the position. It's kind of amazing when you think about it. I built all this stuff for free, using largely bootlegged software on borrowed computers. It's been a process to learn it all throughout my life. And somehow, in some way, it's finally paid off. Doing free public relations for the city has paid off in a position where I'm literally now in a position where I'm the guy hired by the city to take videos of the mayor at downtown ribbon cuttings. Things like that. It certainly isn't where I expected to be about a month ago. Back then, I was homeless, remember? I literally went from having nothing, to having everything I could ever want; in such a short period of time.
I always wanted to live in Branford. I always wanted to have a kayak and go wherever I wanted all day long. I always wanted a motorcycle. I wanted cool roommates and an amazing house, all to ourselves, with a beautiful front porch with a dining room table on it, lots of space, a climbing wall behind a spacious kitchen.
Just think, I was living in a building with no heat, electricity or running water just a few months ago. How can I be so fortunate? What gives me the right to find such happiness? Every day is a struggle to find ways of understanding and expressing appreciation for all of it.
We will continue to rock out. |