In the grand scheme of things, I don't think that we are to blame for our feelings. Things happen which cause us to have certain emotional reactions, and that's natural. However, the responsibility falls upon us to determine how we wish to respond to those feelings: how we behave as a result.
I think that in my life I'd like to demonstrate, through multiversal literature (ML) plot mechanisms, later converted through film, that how we bahave has an income on our future. And that our choices - with words, actions, as well as intentions, is how we hold onto the reigns of our future: to become successful time travelers.
For the people who are stuck in a loop of endless repetitiveness, they're not really time traveling. Yet we all have aspects and areas of our life which turn into patterns. Whether it's our social life (hanging out with the same people) our work life (doing nearly the same exact thing every day with few minor exceptions) or our relationship(s) (having the same conversations over and over, or making love the same exact way) - we all experience "loops" or patterns in our behavior which cause us to experience the same or similar things on a very frequent basis.
Most of those experiences are desirable. We don't mind going to our job because the pay is rewarding enough to put up with the nonsense, and in most cases, it's negligible. What could be considered unimaginable is life without a job. One of these dangerous fantasies some people might entertain is the prospect of living on vacation, and that's why the lottery is so popular, even though if most people didn't have to work, they would have absolutely no idea what to do with themselves, and likely implode upon the vast amounts of pointless time and money they've been given.
But some of these experiences are undesirable. An argument with a significant other, or a disagreement with a friend, can be seen as a one time problem or a perpetual issue, depending on how frequently it occurs. As problems become patterns, they become easier to identify. And that's why we do something about them, by changing jobs, getting out of a relationship, or no longer associating with friends who are not friends.
The word "Friend" comes from an old Germanic word meaning "to love" (freund) and it's exclusive to mostly refer to those we are close to whom we are not family nor in a relationship with. The ancient Latin form is "amicus" which eventually made its way into Spanish as "amigo" and has essentially the same meaning.
Throughout this, we are just planets, orbiting around the body of light which brings us life. We are only atoms, assembled into molecules. Our thoughts are like chemicals, often not even nearly as complicated as the compounds which compose us; so how is this possible?
If you believe The Illusion Strategy, then you are of the opinion that you are living some form of dream, and that the experiences that you have when you are asleep are only dreams within dreams, which signify that life itself is as real as our imagination as made evident by the sometimes convincing way that dreams are conveyed. That doesn't mean you should try to jump off a building with a windbreaker that you think can function as a wingsuit, but it does lend some credibility to the song "Row Your Boat," because in fact, life could potentially be just a dream.
The stream, referred to in the song Row Your Boat, could be considered the very stream of consciousness we spend our lives with our thoughts inhabiting. Going against the current or doing anything to cause wake or resistance could be considered counterproductive, which is why it's recommended we row our boats "gently" down the stream, rather than ferociously against the current, and it's understandable why that is. It's clear from almost every aspect of life that stress is a factor leading to health problems and a shortened life span. It might be considered that not getting stressed out contributes to a healthier life.