This morning I woke up from a dream about Short Beach. In this reality, I still lived there and I never left, but Tom was gone and Walker was there, so this is kind of a whole new era of dreams.
In previous recurring dreams, there was a small space in a closet on the second floor, which led down to a hallway and into a wide open area where there was an underground cave and a waterfall beneath the house. In this dream, there was an opening elsewhere in the rocks in the background, which led to an underground, cavernous lagoon directly beneath the beach out front.
In this dream, also, a replica of the Barn had been attached where the house next door used to be. It looked and felt just like the original barn, but it was different in many ways. It had a balcony and was set up to resemble a kind of performance space. It was connected to where my room used to be. My room had been moved over to the side, beyond where it normally was. I would imagine that the barn was kind of behind the house; another structure built into the rock wall between Johnson's Beach and the Farm River, on the other side.
I really enjoy dreaming about Short Beach.